
Chat Nador City Overview

Population of over three hundred thousand inhabitants, Nador is among the top ten urban center of Morocco.

Nador is a Mediterranean city, brilliantly located at the edge of a huge lagoon in the center of a rich agricultural region. This region is witnessing an economic boom and the dazzling city itself is called a "boom town".

Nador is the central focus of the metals and mining industry of Morocco is to Selouane, only a few kilometers from the city which is located the largest steel complex in the country.

Morocco has a lot invested in Nador in infrastructure: international airport, harbor (passenger, commercial and industrial), industrial areas and roads (Nador will be served by the northern coastal ring road). Nador is undoubtedly at least the second bank of Morocco(chat nador).

By cons, the tourism sector has not been developed and has practically been no significant investment.

This area remains untouched despite the region's natural assets: the lagoon and its ecological environment and privileged among the most beautiful beaches in the world huge.

Why Chat Nador?
Well chat nador comes to meet all irifien or imazighan(nador chat) in the whole world to stay and talk chat with nador people inside nador city or outside nador city especially nador people who lives in europe

chat nador aims is to make more happiness each other and let irifien in the world to stay in touch here in chat nador page which make more benefit between every arifi in the world.

Enjoy !